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Golden Hammer shines on the party emblem to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the party



Today is a sacred day. Our great Chinese Communist Party’s 97th birthday makes all our party members feel excited and proud. How to commemorate such a special day to make it more meaningful? Four party branches including Allister, Roccafe, Mingxin Xuteng, and Youan Firecracker jointly organized a "Don’t forget the original aspiration and celebrate the party’s 97th anniversary of the party’s party building activity", allowing members of the branch to relive the party’s oath on the birthplace of the party. , Understand the development history of the party, so as to be more clear about their mission as a party member.

First, the party members came to the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall, paid homage to the site of the conference, learned the spirit of the Red Boat, reviewed the history of the humiliation and suffering of the Chinese nation, and appreciated the great achievements of the revolutionary ancestors. The glorious and remarkable history of the struggle of the Chinese nation always urges us to unite closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, slam our feet, and work hard to build a well-off society in an all-round way as scheduled. Striving for a new journey of socialist modernization.


Afterwards, the party members came to the party committee of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Jiaxing, and learned the political theory feature film "Do not forget the original intention and move on" through the video. The whole film was divided into "Raise the Flag and Orientation", "The People First", "Overcome Difficulties", "Concentrate the Heart and Cast the Soul". Seven episodes of "Road to Strong Army", "Win-Win Cooperation" and "Yongli Tide". The theme of the film is the documentary on state governance of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. It presents a panoramic view of the new ideas, new ideas and strategies of the Party Central Committee’s governance of the country since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. With great achievements, party members and comrades have expressed that they are happy and proud of being born in such a great era. At the same time, they also expressed that as an ordinary party member, they will never forget their original aspirations and use their own practical actions to fulfill their commitment to joining the party. Give full play to your strengths in ordinary positions.

Afterwards, the party members and comrades reviewed the oath of joining the party, did not forget their original intentions, and continued to move forward. On the 97th birthday of the party, they expressed the blessings of an ordinary party member and wished our great party continue to advance and lead us to a better socialist new era.


After that, Comrade Wang Shuilin, Director of the Office of the Party Committee of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Jiaxing, led us to study the notice of Jialian Dangtong [2018] No. 9 on the issuance of the "All-Union Non-Public Party Building Jiaxing City Federation of Industry and Commerce Pilot Work Implementation Plan" and how to conduct party building management. The implementation of the details has provided a way for the party building work of each branch to be carried out, laying a solid foundation for better implementing the party’s policies and standardizing the process of developing party members.

Today is the 97th birthday of the party, and I would like to extend holiday congratulations to all party members again!

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